Monday, April 3, 2017

explain the ending of fahrenheit 451

In a thoughtful comment to this post, please explain the ending of the book.  Mahalo.


  1. The end of Fahrenheit 451 consisted of Montag escaping the city and meeting a group of men who memorize passages from books. He joins them because he wants to be just like them. Then he witnessed the city get bombed. So basically Montag's old life got destroyed right in front of him and he started a new life.

  2. i think the end is interesting because of the bombs bombing the city and escaping with the survivors to read and memorize books

  3. The ending of the book is very symbolic in my opinion. The city being destroyed can represent a number of things. It shows how material things that we think of as important don't last forever. It shows how Montag's old life is, in a way, destroyed like Linda said. Montag and the group of hippie dudes (that's what I like to think of them as cx) are self reliant, in that they choose books over what society wants- technology. In fact, I think self reliance is a big part of this book. Over the course of the book, we see Montag become more and more self reliant and willing to fight for what he wants, as opposed to putting up with everything else that's going on around him.

  4. The ending wasn't really what I expected. I was expecting more of a Montag being burned alive with some books and a couple of his last thoughts before his death, but I mean it was still an okay ending.
