Tuesday, February 21, 2017

february 21

Today is our chat with Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach.  My questions for Senator Leach have to do with language, politics, and digital culture.  If you have specific questions or ideas please comment to this post.  Or pass me a note in class. :)

Your journal topic for today is reflection on the conversation.  What did you learn?  What did you think about while you listened?  What does politics matter in your life, and how might you take a more active role in shaping things to come?  How can you use social media for the purpose?


  1. What are your opinions on the education system in America?

  2. What are your opinions on the Women's March, and was it effective in raising awareness on issues that affect us?

  3. What are your feelings on the protesting of Trump's Immigration Policies? Do you think it's helping or pointless?

  4. Why do you think America would vote for someone with no political experience to be our president?

    1. To go into more depth to your question, Hilary has been 1st lady, secretary of state and Senator. All Trump has is his business and now his presidency. Why would people vote for a man with no political experience to be our president?

  5. You said that getting over the fear of losing an election its sort of liberating, Do you think that its the same with the general fear of losing?

  6. Why do you think that president Trump bullies people? How do you think it will effect bulling in schools?

  7. Bernie gained a lot of support from many people, so why would he drop out of the race?

  8. Do you think that Donald Trump will do anything to improve the lives of today's youth during his presidency?

  9. Although you disagree with Trump's methods, does he have any points that you agree with?

  10. What are your opinions on the President of the United States tweeting his problems towards people on Twitter? I just read one of his tweets 3 days ago "The White House is running VERY WELL. I inherited a MESS and am in the process of fixing it."

  11. As a small city, a small school, and one classroom with a bunch of 16/17 yr olds, what do you think we could do to express our opinions and change things without letting the fire get out of control? (Fight fire with gasoline right?, how can we control it?)

  12. What other controversial topics do you plan on taking on?

  13. Do you think that supporters of Trump realize that he has no political experience and bullies those that disagree with him?

  14. Do you think the Secretary of Education will do anything to improve public schools?

  15. This isn't a question, but rather an observation. The youth seems very involved in politics nowadays. I didn't see this in the last election.

  16. What can we do to cause a change? It is clear that many of us dislike President Trump; do you think that protests will cause a change?

  17. What is your perspective on what the league of nations think of us?and this new elected president ?
